Jubilate! The Treble Choir of Corvallis

Jubilate! is a community chorus open to any treble singer. We perform Winter and Spring concerts annually in Corvallis. In addition, we have performed in cities around the state of Oregon and participate in the GALA International Choral Festival. The choir has performed benefit concerts for local non-profit organizations, and members can often be found singing songs of social justice at marches and rallies.

Upcoming winter concerts:

We invite you to our December concerts where we will celebrate the holidays of Chanukah, Winter Solstice, Christmas, and Kwanzaa. Each singer will bring their own unique voice and share their distinctive human experience. Through song we will celebrate the sums of our ancestry, race, culture, gender, ethnicity, and experiences. In this way, we are one.

December 14th, 7pm at the First Congregational United Church of Christ, 4515 SW West Hills Rd, Corvallis, OR 97333

December 21st, 7pm at the First United Methodist Church, 1165 NW Monroe Ave, Corvallis, OR 97330

Interested in singing with Jubilate? We are a non-audition choir and welcome all singers who enjoy singing in the treble range. We hope you will join us at the start of our next season in either September or January. Sign up below to receive singers information before our next new members night.

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